Parth Patel
Parth Patel

Handstand Push-up

Toes to Bar

Handstand Walks

Rope Climbs




Parth Patel

I grew up always playing sports with my friends, football, basketball, volleyball, and badminton, and I did Track and Field in high school. This is what sort of started my journey to becoming more active on a daily basis and eventually joining CrossFit. I realized that out of the 14-16 hours that I was awake, I needed to be active for at least an hour to be healthy. I really started to like CrossFit after my sister introduced me to it and I just wanted to keep that going. After every CrossFit workout, I'd leave feeling amazing and much better knowing I put in a lot of work in that workout than I did when I used to work by myself. I wanted to continue that journey and wanted to teach other people about CrossFit and how to better their form and not worry about adding so much weight before their form is correct so I got my CrossFit L1.